42 Matters

42matters offers a full suite of mobile and connected TV app intelligence solutions, including APIs, file dumps, and visual, web-based platforms. All the mobile & CTV app intelligence you need. Grow your business with the most accurate mobile and connected TV (CTV) app data on the market. The best businesses need the highest-quality app intelligence!

Pricing Type: Paid

Starts From: €99 - €1199

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Explorer: Research iOS, Android & Roku Apps
Visually explore the most complete database of mobile and connected TV (CTV) apps and publishers. Set alerts and research downloads, SDKs, monthly active users and more.
App Watchlist: Benchmark Mobile Apps
Track and compare iOS and Android apps and games. Benchmark competitors, analyze niche markets and keep an eye on your own apps.
APIs: Programmatic Access to App Market Intelligence
Leverage our suite of APIs for near real-time insight into app metadata, performance metrics, integrated technologies and countless other data points
App File Dumps: Mobile & CTV App Intelligence Datasets
Always up-to-date file feeds optimized for large data ingestion. Comprehensive data from the most popular mobile and connected TV (CTV) app stores

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